chlorosis leaf

5 Things to Know About Chlorosis in Plants

Chlorosis is a major cause of tree decline in the St. Louis area. Our plant health care specialists explain the 5 things to know about chlorosis – including spotting, treating, and preventing the unsightly disease.

a tree dying in the st. louis area

Why Is Your Tree Dying?

Tree Troubles? Is your tree starting to die? There are several potential culprits that could be affecting your tree in the St. Louis area. In this article, we will cover common threats to trees in urban landscapes. Oak Gall Wasp In recent times, the number one tree killer in the Maryland Heights area is the…

a pine tree in st. louis with bad symptoms of tip blight

Diplodia Tip Blight Symptoms & Treatment

Diplodia tip blight is a fungal disease common in stressed pine trees, particularly pines with needles in bunches of 2. In a forest environment, this disease is not common. In urban environments, trees are more susceptible due to multiple causes of stress. Tip blight can kill all current year shoots, and multiple years of infection…

the gateway arch in st. louis during the spring surrounded by trees

A Spring Guide For Trees

What Happens To Trees In The Spring? Spring is a time of new beginnings, and for trees, it is a time of renewal and growth. After a long period of dormancy during the winter months, trees burst back to life in the spring, producing new leaves, flowers, and seeds. One of the most noticeable changes…

rhizosphaera needle cast symptoms on a tree

A Beginner’s Guide To Needle Cast Disease

Have you noticed needles on your spruce tree turning brown and falling off? Your tree may have needle cast, a disease caused by the rhizosphaera kalkhoffii fungus. What Is Needle Cast Disease? Needle cast disease will cause old needles to turn brown and fall off, creating a thinned canopy that makes for an ugly tree.…

apple scab on an apple

What Is Apple Scab And How Do You Treat It?

Are you noticing brown spots on the leaves or fruit of your apple or crabapple tree? If you are, it is likely apple scab which is a disease caused by a fungus called Venturia inaequalis. Apple scab will ruin the aesthetic value of the tree, and ruin any fruit it produces, the two best things…

trees in st louis

Common Tree Pests and Diseases in Missouri

Missouri, with its varying temperatures and hospitable landscape, is home to an endless variety of hearty, strong, and healthy trees. Sadly, there are plenty of diseases and pests which are not native to the state but have found a way to infect Missouri’s trees and vegetation. Here are some invasive pests and diseases commonly found…