Tree careWhen Do Magnolia Trees Bloom?

Often considered a quintessential feature of the South, Magnolia trees are known for their waxy leaves and fragrant flowers. We have our fair share of Magnolia trees right here in St. Louis, so it’s no surprise we are often asked, “when do magnolia trees bloom?” and other queries about these trees. Below, we’ve provided answers to the common questions we get about Magnolias. 

1. When Do Magnolia Trees Bloom?

This depends on the species of magnolia. Because of the wide variety of these trees, you may find one blooming from late winter to midsummer. 

The Star Magnolia blooms from late March through the end of April, acting as a herald of warmer weather. During May and June, you can see the sweet bay and southern magnolias unfurl their wide, cup-like petals. 

2. What Kinds of Magnolias Grow in St. Louis?

In St. Louis, you can find a handful of different magnolia species. In the southern family, you can find Bracken’s Brown Beauty, which blooms in the summer and retains its leaves year-round. Sweet bay magnolias also bloom during the summer, but lose their leaves in the winter. 

Native to Missouri is the cucumber tree, a magnolia that is a bit less showy than its counterparts, with small yellow-green flowers that bloom in April.

3. Are Magnolias Deciduous?

It depends on the species. As mentioned above sweet bay magnolias lose their leaves in the winter. But it may also depend on location. For example, the Magnolia grandiflora is deciduous when grown in the Upper or Middle South, and evergreen when found in the Lower and Coastal South. 

4. Do Magnolia Trees Have Fruit?

Yes, magnolia trees bear fruit. Magnolia tree fruit can be anywhere from 1 to 8 inches in length. Because of their size and woody appearance, they’re often mistaken for pinecones early in the season. As the season goes on, however, their woody segments split open, revealing seeds coated in a red aril. While the seeds are not toxic, we don’t recommend eating them!